Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Scuba Certified

Patrick was recently scuba certified.  he took classes at the Diving Locker Ski Chalet in Savannah as part of an SSI program and then did his open water certification at Manatee Springs Park in Florida.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Armstrong Lyrical Youth Orchestra Fall Concert

The Youth Orchestra had it's fall concert and I have been slow getting it up due to camera issues. As the video starts all the information will scroll across the screen.  I want to send out a special thanks to John Ratliff for his video files.  My video camera decided to spaz out on me during the performance. John graciously sent me a copy of his so I could add them to our site for family.

Hannah was first chair last and this season.  She has  been excelling and enjoying playing both at school and with the orchestra.